Donation of Venison
The idea of hunters sharing the bounty of their harvest with their less fortunate neighbors is not a new idea. In fact, it is as old as man – the caveman who had a successful hunt shared with his neighbors. Today's hunters can do the same by donating venison to local food banks and other charitable agencies. These donations can be directly from hunter to neighbor but are most often done through a state or regional group that coordinates collection of harvested deer and facilitates processing and distribution to the hungry.
Food Banks indicate that meat protein is the food product least available to them. Over the past 30 years venison donations to the hungry have totaled millions of pounds. If you are looking for an opportunity to donate venison to the hungry select your location from this list of states.
Program Managers Forum
This website also provides a central “forum” for administrators of these organizations to share ideas, experiences, and other information that may be useful to them. Participation in the forum is restricted to those involved in management of the donation program.
To access the forum, please log in (if you already have an account) or register (if you need to sign-up). If you are already logged in, click on the Forum tab above to access the program managers forum.
(The Hunters for the Hungry logo and reefer truck photo are used with permission from Feeding Texas and the San Antonio Food Bank)